Top Best Public Middle Schools in Washington


Below are the Seattle metropolitan area's best public middle schools, beginning with the highest ranking school.
This ranking is based on rigorous analysis of academic and student life data from the U.S. Department of Education along with millions of reviews from students and parents.

Need to find available homes in these schools? Click here!


If you did not see a specific school within the top 25 list, click here for a full top 100 list.

Below are the factors considered. Click here to learn more where our school data comes from.

Factor Description Source Weight
Academics Grade Based on state assessment proficiency and survey responses on academics from students and parents.


Niche 50.0%
District Overall Niche Grade


Based on rigorous analysis of academic and student life data along with millions of reviews from students and parents.






Teachers Grade


Based on a teacher salary, teacher absenteeism, state test results, and survey responses on teachers from students and parents.






Culture & Diversity Grade Based on racial and economic diversity and survey responses on school culture and diversity from students and parents.